• Thigh lift procedure is indicated to remove excess skin in the inner thigh area, and with it the general appearance of wrinkled and sagging legs, firming and giving a more youthful and toned looks to legs skin.


    Dr. Macrino, among other possible incisions, use the one that best guarantees a natural and invisible appearance; in fact, instead of starting from the root of the thigh at gluteal furrow, the incision normally practiced by dr. Macrino has a paramedian course along the vertical axis of the vulva.

    After the incisions, the excess skin tissue is removed, the remaining flap gets anchored to the deep structures and the skin sutured with absorbable materials.
    The incisions are barely visible, and easily hideaway in a bikini.

    The inner thigh lift surgery lasts from 60 to 120 minutes depending on the severity of the case, it tends to run in general anesthesia in day-surgery formula or an overnight stay in the clinic.


    At the end of procedure, the patient will wear a specific compression sleeve that must be kept for 4 weeks. After surgery patients have to rest for 24-48 hours, past which they will be able to get up and walk at home with caution until removal of sutures, which occurs after about 10 days. For a few days it will be normal to experience a feeling of tension on the sutures, especially in changing positions.

    Patients will gradually return to normal activities after removing sutures, and resuming sport is recommended after about 4 weeks.

  • Before / After

    Visit the BEFORE/AFTER section and see the results
  • Fund your Surgery

    In association with CLUB MEDICI Drym funds your surgery and you choose the amount of instalment
  • Book your consultation

    Book your first consultation with Dr. Macrino in our clinics in Rome, Milan, Turin